MASTER's degree in operations management specialisation in design

Terms of Access

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree (Bac+3), or an RNCP Level 6 qualification, or have obtained 180 ECTS credits (in fields such as design, management, marketing, business administration, or human resources). A candidate who has completed at least a Bac+4 degree in the specialization can directly enroll in the second year of the program.

Admission is based on application documents, written tests, and a motivation interview.

Access Level

Diploma +5 years


Design agency director
Project manager
Head of design department or service
Business developer

Apprenticeship Internships

Alternating internship: 1 to 2 days/week

Alternating internship: 2.5 days/week

Internship: 8 weeks/year

Training Course in pictures​