DN MADE Graphic design mention / Public Bachelor’s degree
Digital Communication Creation Course
The program accompanies students in a creative process that questions the current communication medias.
Designers must be able to apprehend societal evolutions; develop their own creative identity and master the challenges of graphic design in order to formulate/create innovate answers to the problems of visual projects.
Mastering both traditional and contemporary technical and artistic know-how are fundamental and helps students in the development of their professionalisation.
Humanities / Arts, design and technical culture / Tools for expression and creative exploration / Technologies and materials / Digital tools and languages / Modern languages / Economic and legal contexts / Practice and implementation of projects / Communication and project mediation / Creative approach
The DN MADE holder can exercise their profession/ professional activity as a designer, craftsman or independent technician, company employee or entrepreneur, within different professional structures:
Design agency, Design department integrated in a company, an institution or a local authority, an artisanal or industrial production company or service.
It provides access to various professional sectors: design management, design and production of material goods, design and immaterial or interactive production, Usage Design, manufacturing and restoration in arts and crafts, research teaching.
Terms of Access
All series/options of a High School Diploma; MANNAA ( applied arts levelling), BMA (high school diploma in arts and crafts), Graphic Design preparatory course
Registration via Parcoursup
Under contract with the State/Government. Authorised to receive scholarship recipients
Access Level
DN MADE – High School Diploma +3 years
State diploma – Licence Grade Approved
Level II
3 years training
Art director
Artistic communication manager
Multimedia project manager
Computer Graphics designer, Web designer
Graphic Designer, Advertising Graphic Designer
2nd semester: 2 weeks/70 hours
4th semester: 8 to 10 weeks
5th semester: 8 to 10 weeks
DNMADE - Digital Communication course
DN MADE Graphic design mention / Public Bachelor’s degree
Digital Communication Creation Course
In partnership with the Saint Vincent de Paul high school in Bordeaux
The base of this training course is focused primarily on digital as a whole (Website, Mobile Phone Application and connected objects, Software interface, Scenario and interactive content, Ebook, TV dress and credits…)
Digital Dnmade focuses on the needs of presentations and showcases connected objects and interfaces.
To apply for this course: you can contact the Saint Vincent de Paul high school.
Humanities / Arts, design and technical culture / Tools for expression and creative exploration / Technologies and materials / Digital tools and languages / Modern languages / Economic and legal contexts / Practice and implementation of projects / Communication and project mediation / Creative approach
The DN MADE holder can exercise their profession/ professional activity as a designer, craftsman or independent technician, company employee or entrepreneur, within different professional structures:
Design agency, Design department integrated in a company, an institution or a local authority, an artisanal or industrial production company or service.
It allows access to different professional sectors: Design management; Design production of material goods; Intangible or interactive design and production; Design of uses; Manufacturing and catering relating to crafts; Teaching research.