Mobility application

Admission procedure for students from partner universities

Students who wish to do one or two mobility semester(s) at Mirail Immaconcept apply directly to their home university. This selects students according to criteria of academic excellence, linguistic level, motivation, maturity and pedagogical and professional consistency.

The list of selected students is sent by the partner university for international relations of Mirail Immaconcept no later than June 30 for a mobility beginning in September and no later than November 15 for a mobility beginning in January. The home university reserves the right to ask its students to apply earlier than the dates announced here. Le Mirail Immaconcept validates the selection within 14 days of receipt.

Each student will have to submit a study contract according to the field in which he wishes to enroll, according to his original course and the courses posted on this website. This study contract may be modified at the start of the semester, at the latest the week of the start of the academic year, in the event of a joint agreement between the host university, the home university and the student, if the student wishes to take a course in another branch, subject to pedagogical relevance, scheduling compatibility and place in the class group.

The student’s evaluations will be sent directly by Le Mirail Immaconcept to their partner university at the end of the semester.

Unless otherwise agreed bilaterally, registration fees are to be paid at the home university and the supervised mobility student benefits from free registration at the host university.

Application procedure for students of the Ensemble Scolaire le Mirail - Immaconcept campus for international mobility

Students become aware of possible mobility opportunities through this website and annual information meetings.

They must submit their application dossier and mobility preferences list, ranked by preference, to the international relations coordinator (currently Timothée Guérin), between March 15 and April 12 for mobility desired in the first semester of the following academic year, and between September 15 and October 10 for mobility desired in the second semester.

The application dossier must include a portfolio, a letter of motivation, a CV, and the most recent annual transcript (and the transcript for the first semester of the current year if available). The 4 documents (as well as any additional documents deemed necessary by the applicant) must be submitted in the language of instruction of the desired host institution.

Students may be offered an individual interview to assess their motivation, language proficiency, academic and professional project coherence, maturity level, and academic excellence.

Once preselected by Immaconcept, students must submit their application to the host institution according to each institution’s admissions calendar.

For any questions, contact:

Study contracts


Pour toutes informations pédagogiques :
Pour toutes questions relatives aux logements à Bordeaux et aux assurances :
Pour toutes autres informations relatives à la mobilité :